dilluns, 17 d’octubre del 2016


Know how much pH there's in a lemon and know how we indentify the pH of a lemon

  • 4 tests tubes
  • Water
  • 1 lemon
  • Beaker
  • Destiller water
  • Forceps
PROCEDURE: Put in different tubs this quantity of lemon and water
Tests tubes      H2O     Lemon    pH
       1                 1ml   +   5ml         ?
       2                 2ml   +   4ml         ?
       3                 3ml   +   3ml         ?
       4                 4ml   +   2ml         ?

All the tubs with different solutions had the same quantity of pH, 3.
Tests tubes      H2O     Lemon    pH
       1                 1ml   +   5ml         3
       2                 2ml   +   4ml         3
       3                 3ml   +   3ml         3
       4                 4ml   +   2ml         3

  1. Which is the dependent variable? The dependent variable is the pH.
  2. Which is the independent variable? The independent variable is the lemon.
  3. Which is the control? The control are the tubs that only contains water ans lemon.
  4. Which pH do you think that in blood? And in gastric juice? The pH of the blood is neutral because if it was acid the cells will die. And the pH of gastric juice is acid because it has to dissolve the aliments.


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