dilluns, 15 de maig del 2017

Cell mitosis


The objective is to see the different phases of the cell mitosis with a rood of an onion.

  • Beaker
  • Slide and cover slide
  • Forceps
  • Watch glass
  • Filter paper
  • Lighter
  • Bunser burner
  • Orcein A
  • Orcein B
  • Onion 
  • Scissors
  • Dropper
  • Microscope

  1. Cut a root of the onion and put it in a watch glass.
  2. Add 2ml of Orcein A to the root.
  3. Open the bunsen burner and warm it up until we see weak vapors.
  4. Then take the root with the forcepsand put it on a slide and add some drops of Orcein B.
  5. Put the slide on the filter paper and put the cover slide. With the paper filter wrap the slide and clean out the excess of Orcein B.
  6. Put the slide in the microscope and observe it.


When we watch the sample on the microscope we have to see the phases of mitosis if we have done it well.

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