dilluns, 7 de novembre del 2016


OBJECTIVE: Identify the quantity of starch there is in a frankfurt, in a potato, in the jam and in a leave

  • 1 Potato
  • Jam
  • Lugol
  • Forceps
  • 1 frankfurt
  • 1 leave
  • A knife
  • Four watch glasses
  • Wire gauze
  • A lab burner
  • Ethanol  
  • A dropper

  1. Boil the leave with H2O (2 min)
  2. Put the leave in a test tub with etanol and boil it again (10 min)       
  3. We bring it out from the test tube and we pit it in a watch glass
  4. We add lugol on the leave

  1. Cut a piece of potato, a piece of frankfurt and a piece of jam
  2. Put each one in a different watch glass
  3. Add lugol at each one to reveal the starch presence

  1. Which is the origin of the starch that you can see in the leave? The starch came from the photosyntesis.
  2. Explain the significance of boiling the leave in water.The significance is to interrupt the photosyntesis.
  3. Explain the significance of boiling the leave in ethanol. We boil the leave in ethanol to extract the clorophill.
  4. Explain the significance of rising the leave in water. We rise the leave in water to extract any remains of ethanol.

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