dissabte, 21 de gener del 2017


OBJECTIVE: See the DNA of a banana and a kiwi

  • Mortar
  • Strainer
  • Filter paper
  • Spatula
  • Beaker
  • 100g of banana
  • Microscope
  • Alcohol
  • Pineapple juice
  • Funnel
  • 1/2 kiwi
  • Sodium chloride
  • H2O
  • Ethanol 96º
  • Pestle
  • Balance
  • Graduated cylinder
  • Pipette
PROCEDURE: The same for the banana and the kiwi. I'm going to explain the procedure of the banana.
  1. We have to weigh 100g of banana
  2. In a mortar we grind the banana up to the point that the banana becames juice
  3. In a beaker we put 100mL of H2O, 10 mL of soap and 3g of sodium chloride and add the banana.
  4. We strain the mixture with the strainer. We use a spatula to make it easier.   
  5. We strain the mixture again with the filter paper and with the funnel in a 200mL graduated cylinder. 
  6. With the pipette add 1mL of pineapple juice.
  7. Then add 6mL of ethanol 96º. When we put it into the test tub, the ethanol 96º has to touch the side of the test tube.
  8. We will see that the DNA separates from the cell. 
  9. We catch the DNA with a spatula and we put it in the microscope. We will see the DNA.
              Resultat d'imatges de adn en microscopio Resultat d'imatges de adn en microscopio


Com s'aconsegueix alliberar el DNA de les membranes que l'envolten.
S'aconsegueix afegint sabó
Per a què s'utilitza el suc de pinya?
Serveix per trencar les proteïnes anomenades histones
Com aconseguim la precipitació del DNA dispers?
Afegint ethanol 96º, que separa el DNA i això fa que el poguem veure.

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