dimecres, 25 de gener del 2017



  • Using a microscope
  • See the differences between animal and plants cells
  • See and onion in a microscope
ONION MATERIAL:                                                                    
  • Resultat d'imatges de experimento de la cebolla en el microscopio
  • Microscope
  • Knife
  • Safranina tint
  • H2O
  • Forceps
  • Onion
  • Microscope
  • Samples of animal and plants cells
  1. Make an epidermis cut at the onion
  2. Clean the piece of onion
  3. Tint the piece with safranina
  4. Clean the piece with H2O
  5. Put it in ???
  1. Put the samples in different microscope and observe the difference of the animal and plants cells
  • Parts of a microscope
                                   Resultat d'imatges de parts d'un microscopi
  • Differences between a microscope and a loupe: The fundamental difference is the increase. A magnifying glass increases what you are looking between 10 and 100 times. At an optical microscope allows to see structures like cells and single-cell parasites or bacteria and fungi.
  • How the microscopes of the lab augment? 
  • Diferences between an animal and a plant cell. The plant cells have geometrical forms, and they are disposed in an organized way, however, the animal cells have different forms among them.
      Resultat d'imatges de experimento de la cebolla en el microscopio  

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