dilluns, 20 de febrer del 2017

Natural Gum

OBJECTIVE: Make a natural gum
  • 1/2 cup of beeswax (make sure it is fit for human consumption) 
  • 1 cup of impalpable sugar 
  • 3 tablespoons honey 
  • Essence of mint or cinnamon
  • bunsen burner
  • fire
  • spatula 
  • pipet
  • knifen ( for cut the beeswax)
  • 4 beakers (2 bigs and 2 smalls)

  1. First we take 2 beakers
  2. Then we do  water bath (Bany maria)
  3. Then we put the beakers in a bunsen burner (the fire a high temperature)
  4. Inside the beaker we put the wax (Wax needs to melt) 
  5. We have to remove the wax until smooth and viscous.
  6. When the wax is smoothy and viscous we add the honey
  7. Stir until the honey mixed with the wax.
  8. We add the flavoring (5 drops of mint)
  9. Finally we add the sugar (is necessari that the mixture is thicken)
  10. We put the misxure in a mold

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